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科学网科技英语写作基础(系列):阅读AI help

文章来源:澳门银河娱乐场 更新时间:2020/06/13


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Artificial intelligence reconstructs missing climate informationhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0582-5?utm_source=ngeo_etoc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=toc_41561_13_6&utm_content=20200609&sap-outbound-id=B28803321F1AB072080D9D8AEBE866F3C3DA4766 Abstract

Historical temperature measurements are the basis of global climate datasets like HadCRUT4. 

This dataset contains many missing values, particularly for periods before the mid-twentieth century, although recent years are also incomplete.


Here we demonstrate that artificial intelligence can skilfully fill these observational gaps when combined with numerical climate model data

评论:US English uses “skillfully.” I am losing this battle, but as long as I can manage, I will use “model outputs.”

We show that recently developed image inpainting techniques perform accurate monthly reconstructions via transfer learning using either 20CR (Twentieth-Century Reanalysis) or the CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) experiments. 

评论:People or animals perform, techniques do NOT.

The resulting global annual mean temperature time series exhibit high Pearson correlation coefficients (≥0.9941) and low root mean squared errors (≤0.0547 °C) as compared with the original data. 

These techniques also provide advantages relative to state-of-the-art kriging interpolation and principal component analysis-based infilling. 

When applied to HadCRUT4, our method restores a missing spatial pattern of the documented El Niño from July 1877. 

With respect to the global mean temperature time series, a HadCRUT4 reconstruction by our method points to a cooler nineteenth century, a less apparent hiatus in the twenty-first century, an even warmer 2016 being the warmest year on record and a stronger global trend between 1850 and 2018 relative to previous estimates. 

评论:Too long a sentence.

We propose image inpainting as an approach to reconstruct missing climate information and thereby reduce uncertainties and biases in climate records.

评论:Use “to reduce.”

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